Tv EllipseFill

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<<<George<<<Command Reference<<<<Drawing Functions

  tv_EllipseFill x y radiusv radiush [cx cy] [button] rotation

Draws a filled ellipse in the current image in the current layer. The position of the center of the ellipse is defined by the x and y arguments, its vertical radius is defined by the radiusv argument, and its horizontal radius by the radiush argument. If the color range or opacity mapping is active, the cx and cy arguments indicate the position of the end of the range direction vector that has its origin at the center of the ellipse, these arguments are just for compatibility, don't use cx cy with [TVPaint]. The button argument indicates if the ellipse should be drawn as it would be if you pressed the mouse left button (value 0) or the right button (value 1). The rotation argument indicates the angle of the ellipse in degrees.