Tv FrameRate

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<<<George<<<Command Reference<<<Project

tv_FrameRate rate ["TIMESTRETCH"]

Changes the frame rate for the project. The rate argument is the new frame rate. The "TIMESTRETCH" optional argument, if used, indicates that the time stretching function must be used when the frame rate is changed. This command returns the former project frame rate. Note that you can use this command without any arguments to determine the current frame rate for your project.


tv_framerate rate ""|"timestretch"|"preview"|"info" -> "" change the project frame rate without interpolation -> "timestretch" change the project frame rate with interpolation -> "preview" change the playback speed not the global project frame rate -> "info" return the project frame rate and the preview frame rate

Code for returning Current Project framerate

tv_frameRate 666 info
PARSE result projectFramerate previewFramerate
tv_warn projectFramerate