Tv TextTool

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<<<George<<<Command Reference<<<Tools

  tv_TextTool ["ToolMode"] ["RESET"] ["mode VAL"] ["text VAL"] ["font VAL"] ["size VAL"] ["opacity VAL"]
              ["outline VAL"] ["smooth VAL"] ["border VAL"] ["glow VAL"] ["border_col R G B"] ["glow_col R G B"]
              ["scale VAL"] ["space VAL"] ["angle VAL"] ["italic VAL"] ["track VAL"] ["script VAL"] ["style VAL"]
              ["anim VAL"] ["step VAL"] ["con_size VAL"] ["con_space VAL"] ["con_track VAL"] ["con_outline VAL"]
              ["con_smooth VAL"] ["con_italic VAL"] ["con_opacity VAL"] ["con_scale VAL"] ["con_angle VAL"]
Selects the text tools. Be Careful, order of the arguments is important, "tv_textbrush reset 1 size 10" has a different result than "tv_textbrush size 10 reset 1" because arguments are called in an order.
Arguments Unit Type Notes
ToolMode N/A N/A Keep the tool mode
RESET 0 or 1 int Textbrush returns to default
Mode name or line position char or int Drawing mode
Letter 0 or 1 char or int Text mode
Text N/A char Text string
Font N/A char Font name
Size Pixel float 4
Opacity Percent int OFF disable the opacity
Outline Pixel int OFF disable the outline
Smooth Pixel int OFF disable smoothing
Border Pixel int OFF disable the border
Glow Pixel int OFF disable the glow
Border_Col N/A int 4
Glow_Col N/A int 4
Scale Percent float OFF disable the xscale
Angle Degree float OFF disable the angle
Italic Percent float OFF disable the italic
Track Percent float OFF disable the track
Style N/A char Style name
Script N/A char Script name
Anim N/A char Anim name
Step percent double OFF disable the step
Con_Size, Con_Space, Con_Track, Con_Outline, Con_Smooth, Con_Italic, Con_Angle, Con_Opacity, Con_Scale. N/A char See the Connection Table


tv_textTool "Backup" textProperties = result

PARSE textProperties tool mode modeVAL size sizeVAL vertical verticalVAL opacity opacityVAL outline outlineWidthVAL outline outlineEnabledVAL smooth smoothSizeVAL smooth smoothENABLED borderSize borderSizeVAL border borderEnabledVAL letter letterVAL border_col border_colVALA border_colVALB border_colVALC glow_col glow_colVALA glow_colVALB glow_colVALC glow glowSizeVAL glowEnabled glowEnabledVAL aspectSize aspectSizeVAL aspect aspectVAL space spaceVAL angle angleVAL italicSize italicSizeVAL italic italicVAL trackSize trackSizeVAL track trackVAL step stepVAL font fontVAL style styleVAL script scriptVAL string stringVAL anim animVAL csize csizeVAL cscale cscaleVAL cspace cspaceVAL citalic citalicVAL crotate crotateVAL ctrack ctrackVAL copacity copacityVAL coutline coutlineVAL csmooth csmoothVAL