Tv WriteTextFile

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<<<George<<<Command Reference<<<File Management

tv_WriteTextFile "AskUser"|"Create"|"Append"|"Remove"|"Exists"|"MkDir" Path ["Line to write"]

tv_writetextfile "AskUser" "Message" return "OK" or "Forbiden"

tv_writetextfile "MkDir" FolderPath return "Exists" or FolderPath

tv_writetextfile "Exists" Path return ExistingFolderPath or ""

tv_writetextfile "Remove" Path return ""

To return Path with Whitespace enclose variable with single quote, double quote, single quote (not two double quotes) on each side.

tv_WriteTextFile "Exists" '"'GeorgePath'"'

To return Path with Whitespace enclose variable with single quote, double quote, single quote (not two double quotes) on each side.

tv_WriteTextFile "Exists" '"'GeorgePath'"'